
Helping children & parents heal together

Therapy for young children, children and parenting support in North Carolina

Promoting positive attachment and emotional health in children and helping parents heal from their past and bring back the joy in parenting.

Services For


High quality evidenced based treatment interventions for children 5-12 to overcome the impacts of trauma or anxiety. Empowering your child with an emotionally healthy childhood and beyond.

Young Children

Infant and early childhood mental health matters. Give your child birth-5 the gift of positive attachment and healthy social and emotional development in the earliest stages and relationships of life.


Expert parent guidance to empower you to better understand child development and behaviors. Heal from your childhood experiences so that you can show up as the parent you want to be.


My approach lies in promoting the mental health, attachment and healthy development of children and empowering parents with the gift of healing to end general cycles.

Parents come to me when they want to improve the parent-child relationship after their child has experienced a trauma, want help with reducing their child's anxiety, are unsure of how to manage their child's big feelings and behavioral reactions and/or want to break generational cycles in their parenting by healing past traumas.

With so much information out there about parenting and child behavior, I partner with parents on the journey to figuring it all out! In my practice, I use research-based interventions and the latest science to help parents, like you, who are worried about their child or their parenting find peace and confidence!



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