“WHY” is my child behaving this way?Understanding Your Child’s Behaviors

Children use behaviors to communicate to us. Before attempting to modify, discipline, punish or change the behavior it is important to seek to understand why the child may be behaving in that way.

It would be nice if children came with a manual, right? Oh how nice it would be to flip threw and find the answer to help decode the exact behavior your child is showing and why. Since no such thing exists, I thought I would share some common factors that are typically behind child behaviors.

Remember, children do not act out randomly they engage in behaviors to help them accomplish specific goals.

Once you begin to consider the possibilities of why your child may be reacting in certain ways, it will allow you to show more empathy, compassion and understanding and reframe how you see your child’s behavior. This shift in thinking will reduce frustration, annoyance and any anger you may feel towards your child.

Here are some common factors they may influence difficult child behaviors

  1. Your child is trying to get a need met

    Ask your self is my child hungry, tired, thirsty?

  2. Your child is experiencing distressing emotions

    Ask your self is my child scared, confused, has something significant recently happened in their life?

  3. Your child is seeking out independence

    Ask your self is my child to practice their independence or make a decision for themselves am I getting into a power struggle with them?

  4. Your child is seeking out your attention

    Ask your self when is the last time my child has had some of my undivided attention is there external stressors occurring in our family that are impacting my ability to focus in on my child?

  5. Your child is trying to exert contrOL

    Ask your self is my child going through a change right now, is something different occurring in their environment?

Finding the “Why” behind a child’s behavior is not always easy, especially if the behaviors are ongoing, impacting multiple areas of the child’s life, and causing distress to the child and yourself. If you feel you need more help in this area, please reach out!

At Child Therapy Solutions we specialize in helping parents to reframe how they see their child’s behavior through providing developmental guidance, teaching coping strategies, and giving tangible steps and interventions. Reach out today for support and solutions today!


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